Welcome to Manic Monday

Living Life
on 10/12/08 10:52 pm - Riverside, CA

Monday Mondaaaay….. How sweet it is…

Good Morning Calif….

Welcome to this breezy Monday morning. Yes the wind is not good and yet it is. The air will be clean when its done blowing. I wanted to let you know this wind is all my fault. I racked the leaves in my back yard on Friday. So Mother Nature felt the need to fill it back up. For this, I am sorry the rest of you have to suffer.

I hate to hear there is a fire out there already. I hope that no houses are lost, and that the wild life stays ahead of it, and find a safe place to hid.

I wish I had asked for today off, so I could sleep in but I didn’t so I am up and my coffee is waiting for me. YAY!! Life is good with coffee in your cup.

Fresser had a great time staying with my friends. They said all the “kids” got along great with NO disagreements. I am so happy about that, so now I know that if I need, she can go and spend time with her friends and I wont have to worry about her. Plus, they take great care of kids and I wont have to leave her home alone with some one just stopping in for feeding.

OK time to jump into the shower and get all fu fu’d for work.

I wish you all a great day.

Be safe: Be Smart: Take your vitamins. Get our protein in and don’t forget tha****er.

Sending hugs and kisses to all……


Chris S.
on 10/12/08 11:06 pm - Chula Vista, CA
Morning LL and Cali . . . just a day and a half to work this week - woopie!  I'm only going in tomorrow because we get our free flu shots .. . and then I'm off to my friend's and our trip . . . I've saved space in my suitcase for several of you . . . so com'on and jump in!

Have a great day everyone!  So far it isn't windy here in Chula Vista . . . but that can always change .. .

Travelin' down the road to skinny!
Janine J.
on 10/12/08 11:09 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

Morning LuLu and the Cali Crew!!! I surely did not do getting up this morning as I am tired. About the time I decided to turn in or should I say turn off the TV.....we had a small earthquke...only 3.4 but centered about 8 miles from us....scared me...I had to take something to go to sleep and stay asleep hence I am groggy a bit!

Anywho had a great weekend....had it slow going on the mural as I really have a lot of cutting in to do. Had a great time at BikerWeekend...only bought one trashy tank....has skulls on it. But my big news is................................................


AVA STARTED WALKING!!!!!  Walking Although little wee wee steps....NeeNee has it on video!!! I am so excited and had tears in my eyes. Ava also got her ears piered yesterday....wow she is going to have so many earrings....I am going to take the saphires out of my engagement ring that Jeff had given me years ago and have earrings made for her with them. I had originally put the sapphires in the ring because that is Jeff's birthstone too...their birthdays are 3 days apart from each other.

We didn't go to the pumpkin patch because Jeff could not go and the kids really wanted hm to so we all could be a family...we will next Sunday....

Well loving life gang....and way looking forward to coming to LA to hang out with some people I have not seen in a long time and meeting a lot of new people!!!

Have a great day gang!!!


“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

Steve J.
on 10/12/08 11:25 pm, edited 10/12/08 11:27 pm - Inland Empire, CA
RNY on 12/01/06 with
Good Back-To-Work Monday to you and all the Cali Crew Lu!
Congrats to you, and all the OHer's, that participated in the Run Long Beach event!!!!

I still can't believe you went through with it considering your back baby but expect nothing less of you than to follow through on what you start out to do. That's my Lu!

So, I have YOU to thank for Sister Santa Ana's visit this time huh?
You bad girl you!

It's been blowing here since about 2am Sunday morning and only gotten stronger overnight last night. Sorry to see the fire too. It happens every year but I still hate the winds and the fires they make worse. My property is now full of leaves and other debris the winds have so nicely deposited here.
Put some rocks in your pockets SoCal peeps.... I understand this is going to last through tomorrow.

Time to get a move on here so I will wish you all a great day!


on 10/12/08 11:26 pm - El Cajon, CA
Good Morning Lu & Everyone,
Monday already, yuck, another day of sitting in a room for orientation. Friday after 2 hours in I was wanting to shoot myself in the head. Today's is more nursing based so I am hoping things will be better. Still just do not like paperwork orientations. Also have to picked my parents up at the airport late tonight and be up early again tomorrow for more orientation. I think tomorrow morning I will sleep in some and do my exercise in the evening.
Wish they would stop talking about all the fires and it happening again this year. Being on evacuation alert for the last two big SD fires has left me with panic attacks every time they talk about it, UGH!!!
Oh well exercised, showered, fu fu'd as Lu puts it, sipping on coffee. Just have to get dressed business casual, come on I am a nurse, can you say scrubs please!!
Hope everyone has a wonderful day. Be good to yourselves and those around you!!!


Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott 

(deactivated member)
on 10/13/08 12:31 am - Vacaytown, HI
Morning to all.  Just a little note that the next Greater Bay Area meet and greet is in the planning stages.  I am working with Madamejoy on this one.  It should be in November.  I will post when we get the stuff together for the info.  Otherwise today is wide open for me.  Hugs, Jess
Maureen N.
on 10/13/08 12:37 am - Redding, CA
Good Morning All!  Yet again another Monday.  Joe and I slept yesterday until 11.  Actually we got up at 8, watched tv for an hour and decided to take a nap.  That's what Sunday's are for!  Then we got up and decided to go take a drive and go hunting.  (basically to escape the weirdo friend who came back).  Brian wasn't always this bad........last time he was here he was semi-normal and nice to visit with, but this time.  Ugh.  Next time he wants to come, we're going to be soooo busy! 
We ended up taking a very nice drive.  Exploring a whole bunch of back roads many of which dead-ended.  Saw some nice country.  Took a couple of walk hunts which were really neat.  We got home around 10 pm, jammied up and watched a movie for a bit.  The old man had salami, tater chips, and the best cheese in the world - a smokey swiss and chedder.  Mmmmmmm!

Today brings me work, I'm off in search of carharts for Jayden and whatever else can keep me busy until around 7 when I take Joe his dinner.  Then, home around 8, visit with icky-face until 9:30 and then to bed.  He is leaving on Wednesday!

I pick up Jayden tomorrow and we get to go to the Kiewit Safety BBQ on Wednesday where they will honor him for winning the safety calendar contest and feed him!  Then MoMo takes him home (unless dad can convince Mom to let him miss school on Thur and Fri also if daddy helps him with his school work) then picks him up again on Friday.  Saturday we head to Discovery Kingdom in Vallejo!  Jayden and I have to ride an Elephant - he promised!!!!!

Off to work..............Me


Create Your Own Ticker

on 10/13/08 12:38 am - CA

good morning cali crew
i'm having a slow morning .. just waiting for bf to leave for work..  so i can do some house work... i'm going to the dentist today one of my tooth's broke friday.. urrr.. it hurts so bad too..  so nothing else much today just cleaning and the dentist.. everyone take care of yourself...

on 10/13/08 1:13 am - Ellensburg, WA
Good morning Lu and Cali crew!!!  No wind here yet, but they say it is on the way!  Damn fires with Santa Ana winds!!!! I hope they get it out soon and no more PLEASE!!!
Lu, congrats on yesterday, I don't know how you do it and I really hope this is the last until you are cleared! Take care of YOU!!!!  Glad Fesser played nice with the other "kids"!!!

I'm off to the Bankruptcy lawyer this morning to get the ball rolling and hopefully get the list together that the Gaming Comm. needs. I did ALOT of going through PILES this weekend to try to find everything he needs. I also printed our once a year free credit reports, 3 agencies for 2 people = alot of paper and ink ~ UGH!!!! And they are foreign language to me really!!! lol  I'll be glad when this is all done because it is giving me a bigger headache than I already get daily!!!!

Everyone have a GREAT day today!!!!    bigg huggs, Becky

Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick 



on 10/13/08 2:43 am - Los Angeles, CA
Hi Lu and Cali Crew

Lu, I hope you are feeling better.  You were a trooper for getting out there in LB and doing what you did.  Kudos for you. It was nice seeing you again and meeting your friend Cindy.

Hi everyone.  I am sore today and wondering why I am work today.  Oh well, it better to be at work sore than to be at home sore with nothing to do.

I post my half-marathon report later this morning.

Without struggle, there is no progress.

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